Skin Types & Skin Aging Process

Every person has different skin because of unique traits, a result of various factors like diet, exercise, genes, the environment and even health.

Understanding Different Skin Types

There are five different types of skin found in men and women:

  • Normal skin has a balanced production of oil, making the skin texture just right- neither too oily nor too dry. Normal skin is very easy to manage and such people usually do not have skin problems like acne.
  • Dry skin is caused by a lack of oil production in the skin and can be dull in appearance. Using dry skin products to moisturize the skin and scrubs to remove flakes is a must.
  • Oily skin is caused by overproduction of oil in the skin giving it a greasy look or shine. On one hand, people with oily skin have breakouts, pimples and whiteheads frequently but the presence of oil in the skin is also believed to help in delaying wrinkles.
  • Combination skin is the most common skin type and is usually normal-oily or dry-oily. Although it needs more care, a gentle skin care regime and use of a good moisturizer is often advised.
  • Thin skin which is caused by thinning derma. With ageing the derma often develops age spots and begins to thin until it becomes parchment like. Moisturizers are formulated only to hydrate the skin and therefore cannot help delay the reduction of a thinning derma. To do that, you need skin treatments that contain alpha hydroxyl acid and better yet – both AHA and Vitamin E combined.

Skin experts suggest a four step skin care regime for both men and women regardless their skin types:

  • Cleansing – remove dirt and keep skin clean,
  • Exfoliating – remove the build-up of dead calls
  • Toning – close any open pores and reduce oil
  • Moisturizing – retain skin moisture.

But remember that the kind of product you use should specifically cater to your skin type. For instance, people with oily or combination skin should use a cleanser that foams as it removes excess oil thoroughly. Those with dry skin should preferably use an oil based moisturizer whereas people with oily skin should opt for a water based moisturizer which does not increase oil levels in the skin.

Different Skin Types and Skin Aging

Nobody likes the thought of having skin which displays a number of ageing signs. However, the inevitable truth is that as we grow old, so does our skin. The good news is that with the right care and precautions, we can help delay the process and still have great looking skin! People with dry skin usually display early signs of skin ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines because the moisture content in their skin is already very low. People with normal skin or combination skin usually find that their skin becomes drier as they age and women especially will notice the difference just before menopause. It’s easy to assume that people with oily skin will never display any ageing signs because of the high levels of oil in their skin, but this is simply not true. Although the signs may be delayed, the skin around sensitive areas such as the eyes, mouth and neck becomes noticeably drier. Besides various internal factors that cause skin ageing, many external factors also have a hand in determining the health of the skin. Frequent exposure to the sun results in sun damaged skin and hastens the development of wrinkles by breaking down collagen proteins in the skin. Other lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive drinking, eating junk food and lack of proper nutrition are some other common external factors as well. The only way to combat all these outer causes is to adopt a healthier lifestyle, use sunscreen when you’re outside and use a good antiaging products and skin treatments.

The Right Way to Counter Skin Aging

Wrinkle moisturizers or other anti aging lotions may be easily available over the counter, but are not effective when it all comes to helping the skin fight ageing signs the natural way. What you need is a skin treatment which solves the problem from within. The answer is Narhex Cross-linked 10/60™ – an Australian brand of skin treatments specially formulated with the key ingredients NarAHATM and NarElastinTM . Narhex antiaging products can be used by men and women and work effectively on all skin types. All anti wrinkle crèmes and lotions by Narhex Australia have been proven to reduce fine lines, under eye wrinkles and bags giving you smooth and younger looking skin. Need more proof? Narhex Australia is also the only brand to have successfully passed Double Blind clinical trial conducted independently in three countries. Hundreds of men and women have tried the antiaging products of Narhex Australia and love the visible difference. See the results for yourself in just 4 weeks of application.

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