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“Here You Can Discover How to Recover your Skins Youthful Glow & Reduce your age lines up to 74%”. Click here to download the NARHEX e-Book, User Manual and or Our Lastest News”.
Double Blind Clinical Study Results for UK Female and Male Subjects

Woman in 20s

Woman in 30s

Man in 30s

Woman in 40s
Hover your mouse left and right to see the difference
Before and After Results of Using Narhex Products
Before and After Results of Using Narhex Products
Hover your mouse left and right to see the difference

Woman in 20s

Woman in 30s

Man in 30s

Woman in 40s
Double Blind Clinical Study Results for UK Female and Male Subjects
Independent International Efficacy Survey by Cetec Double Blind clinical 30-day Study Results On Narhex Wrinkle Treatment – 4% NarElastin Product
By Dr Vyt Garnys Ph.D., A.R.A.C.I., A.I.M.M., Cetec Pty Ltd Consulting - Enterprises in Technology
Report Number: REPNARH23
On contract to Narhex Australia Pty Ltd, Cetec Pty Ltd has conducted and managed an international efficacy trial for the Narhex NarElastin based wrinkle treatment with Narhex product contain following consultation and involvement of the following institutional groups:
Results - UK Female and Male Subjects
The following is a summary and comments of the UK results as measured by Cetec using the surface imaging technique on the casts taken by Professor Marks’ group in Cardiff on Husband/Wife subjects currently living in Wales.
Over all of the 26 subjects, (69% to 77%) depending on measurement calculations of females and 62% of males showed nett smoothing of coarse wrinkles over the initial (pre-application) skin condition.
For fine wrinkles, over all females, 69% again showed nett smoothing at 4 weeks whilst males were much more affected at 77 to 85% depending on the method of roughness computation. There were not strong age effects.
At 4 weeks, nett coarse wrinkle smoothing was achieved in 17, or 65% of all of the 26 subjects and 19, or 73% for fine wrinkles.
The range of actual individual smoothing of the active treatment over the placebo at 4 weeks ranged from 4 to 45% for the coarse wrinkles and from 11 to 42% for the fine wrinkles for females.
For male’s coarse wrinkle improvements were seen within the range of 8 to 33% and 0 to 42% in fine wrinkles.
The general (or population) statistics on the nett percentage changes for all (including those with increases and decreases) females and males showed nett mean and median reductions in wrinkles over the month’s trial. For all males reductions of about 6% for coarse wrinkles and 10% for fine wrinkles were for coarse and 10% for fine wrinkles.
The Pearson correlation statistics show an excellent concordance of the three methods of calculation of the roughness data for fme and coarse features for males and females (Correlation coefficients of about 0.9).
Statistical tests of significance, UK results suggesting that, within the ranges quoted above, the active product does have a nett effect in further smoothing both male and female skin over and above the starting skin condition.
This is an Extract from Cetec Pty Ltd Consulting ‐ Enterprises in Technology Report Number: REPNARH23
Note; Cetec has conducted preliminary validation of the accuracy of measuring wrinkle imprints on silicone casts by three independent techniques namely:
Active optical triangulation, Confocal Microscopy using the laser light and Profilometry using a stylus-based instrument. Accurately produced, engineered test pieces were measured by optical microscopy and active optical triangulation to confirm the accuracy of the technique in being able to measure width and depth at micrometre levels.
Standard roughness test pieces were used to confirm the ability of the measurement technique and the calculations to produce accurate and precise roughness data. The Cardiff group have independently measured some of the casts using profilometry and image analysis.
All product tubes were weighed at the completion of the study.
National Weekend Australian Newspaper – “Names Popular Brands that Could & Could Not Support Product Claims by Supplying Proof of Clinical Results

United Kingdom
Professor Ronald Marks, Professor of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK.
Dr J-P Cesarini, Senior Research Dermatologist, Groupe De Recherche Sur L’Oncgenese les Ultraviolets et La Pigmentation Cutanee Humaine, Fondation A de Rothschild, Cetec Pty Ltd
Cetec Pty Ltd (Inc Vic), Dr Vyt Gamys, Ph.D (UNSW), Managing Director and Project Leader And Dr David Nurse, Consultant Dermatologist, Royal Melbourne Hospital and private practitioner at 71 Mayston Road, East Hawthorn, Victoria.

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