“Here You Can Discover How to Recover your Skins Youthful Glow & Reduce your age lines up to 74%”. Click here to download the NARHEX e-Book, User Manual and or Our Lastest News”.

76% improvement in fine skin condition, such as fine line, pores and fine wrinkles.

“Here You Can Discover How to Recover your Skins Youthful Glow & Reduce your age lines up to 74%”. Click here to download the NARHEX e-Book, User Manual and or Our Lastest News”.
Clinically Proven Results

Robust Double-Blind clinical trials proved Narhex Eye Cream 3% NarElastin™ compared to placebo reduced coarse and fine age lines in 28-days:
75 subjects experienced a 67% improvement in their coarse under-eye skin condition, such as coarse wrinkles and expression lines and wrinkles.
76% improvement in fine skin condition, such as fine line, pores and fine wrinkles.
Clinically Proven Results

Robust Double-Blind clinical trials proved Narhex Eye Cream 3% NarElastin™ compared to placebo reduced coarse and fine age lines in 28-days:
75 subjects experienced a 67% improvement in their coarse under-eye skin condition, such as coarse wrinkles and expression lines and wrinkles.
76% improvement in fine skin condition, such as fine line, pores and fine wrinkles.
International Trials
Robust double-blind Clinical Trials were conducted by three countries though Independent government institutions. Results supported Narhex product performance claims:

By Dr. Vyt Garnis project leader Cetec and Dr. David Nurse consultant dermatologist, Royal Melbourne Hospital

By Prof. Ronald Marks, Professor of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff.

By Dr. J-P Cesarini, Senior Research Dermatologist, Groupe Recherche Foundation A Rothschild.
Dry skin is the build-up of Dead Skin Cells easily removed naturally with Narhex two proprietary Alpha Hydroxy Acid formulated products containing NarAHA™
Nuvoderm with 15% NarAHA™ or Narhex Moisturiser Type 2 with 8% NarAHA™ with topical application in 7 days removes the build-up of dead skin cells to reveal your healthy skin.
TIP: For the exceptional results. First apply Nuvoderm™ or Narhex Moisturiser Type 2™ then the Facial Treatment 1% NarElastin™ and/or the Facial Lift 4% NarElastin™ with collagen.
Channel 7 reported how a double-blind clinical trial was conducted

Each person, both male and female where given two coded different numbered tubes of eye cream.
One tube for the right eye and the other tube of cream to be applied around the left eye. One tube contained 3% NarElastin™ and the other was placebo.
They were instructed to apply the same number tube of cream around and under each eye for 28 days. 3 D Moulds where taken before the trial and after 28 days of treatment and Scanned to compare the before and after results.

Our Story
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All Skin Types
Morbi nullam odio lectus vitae lorem in non tortor aliquet eget faucibus dui dolor.
Pure Organic
Morbi nullam odio lectus vitae lorem in non tortor aliquet eget faucibus dui dolor.
Natural Care
Morbi nullam odio lectus vitae lorem in non tortor aliquet eget faucibus dui dolor.