Nuvoderm – an alternative, effective in acne treatment

Nuvoderm is a high efficiency natural anti-oxidant serum.  An unexpected reported result is that it is very successful in the treatment of acne.  One lady has reported that she had tried everything on the market, including Roaccutane and was convinced there was no cure for her acne.  Then she tried Nuvoderm.  She claims it is a miracle formula. Here is what she told us in November, 2007:

Well, what can I say except ‘it is a Miracle in a bottle’.

I first came across my little miracle three weeks ago now. My mother has been a regular customer of yours for some many years now. She said that I should try this new product that Narhex has out now to help with my acne. I very reluctantly took home a bottle and started to use it immediately.

I am 36 years old and have suffered from very severe cystic acne for over twenty years now. Over the years I have been to every skin specialist, herbalist, naturopath, accupuncturist and I have tried every lotion and potion that is known to man. My most severe treatment course was Roaccutane, a six month debilitating drug with promise of a Cure!! Disappointment again … Then I was led into the cosmetic surgery industry and introduced to two years of microdermabrasion, peels and very painful laser surgery.

The laser surgery was definiately the best thing that I had ever done to my skin over the years, as the texture and tone of my skin had improved greatly. I also had a lot of pigmentation that the laser removed. A whole new face was emerging from within and the acne had reduced tremendously, until I stopped the laser. Then my old demon reared its ugly head again.

This explains my reluctance to try anything new again as all it has done is get my hopes up, see improvement and be shattered again.

Until Nuvoderm saved my life. After the first night of using it, my skin was visibly smoother. As the days went on, it continued to improve. By the first week, the acne had reduced and the surface of my skin was soft and smooth and my fine lines were reducing.

What a bonus, anti-ageing as well as clear skin!

Now I have made the three week mark and can’t wait to put it on at night. Every morning my skin is visibly better. People are now saying how good my skin looks, when they were all too afraid to have made any comment in the past.

I have a whole new face now and just love it. I am filled with hope and excitement now that this is my cure!

Thank you Narhex for giving me my life back. My self-esteem and confidence have improved ten fold.

I look visibly younger and any spots I now get are no where as severe and don’t last long. My skin texture actually feels as though I have just finished a course of laser treatment. I cannot thank you enough for my ‘miracle in a bottle!’. I am now a life long user of Nuvoderm and am eager to try your other products. Congratulations on the cure of a lifetime.

Thanks again – keep up the good work.


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